Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Shakesperean Clothing Essay example - 764 Words

Have you ever looked at a picture of your parents when they were your age? Or maybe your grandparents from way back when? Well, judging by how much we laugh at their goofy clothes and ridiculous shoes, not to mention the hilarious hairstyles, styles have changed a lot. We?ve gone from high waists to low waists, baggy shirts to shirts that could fit your little sister, from bellbottoms to skin-tight jeans, and from voluminous hair to straight and silky locks. Yes, style can change a lot in a few decades and if you think thats a lot of change, try going back a few centuries, to the times of Shakespeare! Back then, the women wore a lot more clothes than we do, that?s for sure! The style included a chemise, stockings (hose), a corset or†¦show more content†¦The men these days wouldn?t be caught dead in those!), a codpiece, and a corset (who knew men had those). For over-clothes, they wore a doublet, with separate sleeves, breeches, a belt, ruff, cloak, shoes, and a hat. This age was also known as the peacock age, because sometimes the men were more elaborately dressed than the women! Make-up and hairstyles have also changed from then till now. Then, make-up was pale, and extremely white. Women wore hats and carried parasols to escape from the light, to stay as white as possible. Those with darker, tanned skin were generally workers, so it was important for the upper class to distinguish themselves from the peasants. Men also used this white paste to identify themselves from the peasants. Who knew that Queen Elizabeth set the standards for make-up in those days? Her case of smallpox, which left some blemishes, was easily covered by the heavy white make-up. This explains the absurdly pale skin in her many portraits. Cheeks and lips were ideally red. Kohl was used to darken the eyelashes. Light hair was also considered beautiful. Hair styles were also very elaborate. Can you imagine sitting in a chair for 4 days with 20 hairdressers? Well, many women spent al most that much time, because their hair was almost never styled. In those days, people very rarely took baths, meaning their hair would last for a long time. This may seem absolutely disgusting to us, but it was perfectly normal

Monday, December 16, 2019

Developmental case study Free Essays

It is important to know and understand the developmental milestones and be aware of the problems so children can be supported and offered the intervention if need. The bible provides a framework for Christian teacher’s hereafter and actions that teachers can nature kindness, patience, humility and love of their own lives and the lives of their students (Galatians 5:22-26). By understanding children development is like a road map to explore the perspectives of children developmental theorists use to understand how children grow and change. We will write a custom essay sample on Developmental case study or any similar topic only for you Order Now The developmental case study is greatly improve the ability to interact with children with the better understanding of the stages of development, greater sight into how children behave, think and feel in certain ways which is a helpful way to gain and feel more comfortable in talking, playing and working with them. It is also important to realize that development is an ongoing process through out the lifespan and having a greater understand of how people continue to grow and change can help appreciate and manage all stages of life. Participants Observation There are two participants in this developmental case study. First is a four years old boy, Monterey, who is a single child from African-American ethnicity. He attends NC Pre-K program, which provides high quality early educational experiences for four years old who are not attending preschool for various reasons and prepares children for kindergarten. Monterey is a very happy and high energetic child. He enjoys participate his friends in dramatic play center, running in the playground and eagerly to learn the new things during circle time. The second participant is ten years old girl, Kimberly, who is in fourth grade. Kimberly family are originally from Honduras, Kimberly is a bilingual student who speak fluently both English and Spanish. Her family moved to United States of America when she was three years old and she started to learn English when she attended preschool at the age of four. Kimberly is very easy to get along and likes to play with younger children as she spends her late afternoon with mother, who is the reechoes assistant teacher. She likes to watch television, exercises with her older sister but not heavy active activities. She is a honor student, very bright and very curious about everything around her. The Whole Child Concept The â€Å"whole child† concept is based on the accepted principle that all areas of human growth and development are integrated. All areas of growth are knitted together in mutually supportive network creating the uniqueness of each child. Teachers learn what makes each child special, what they look like when the children move their bodies or change their expressions. The observant teachers read through the way they express the â€Å"whole child† (Gordon Browne, 2013, p. 67). To define the â€Å"whole child†, observant teacher uses six developmental domains to express how children grow and develop, which are developmental of social-emotional, physical, cognitive, language, cultural identity and creativity. In this development case study mainly focuses on three developmental domains in each participant, which are: Social-emotional development, includes children relationship with themselves and others, self-concept, self-esteem and ability to express their feeling. Physical placement, includes gross mother, fine motor and perceptual motor activities. Cognitive development, includes curiosity, ability to perceive and think, memory, attention span, general knowledge, problem solving, analytical thinking, beginning reading and computing skills. Developmental Case Study Monterey is four years old and according the social-emotional development during preschool years, a young child’s social life evolved in relatively predictable way. The social network grows from the relationship with parents or other guardians and including family members. Social interactions extend from home to child-care arrangement or preschool. Erick Erosion’s theory of social development suggests that during the preschool year, children must resolve the personality crisis of initiative versus guilt. The child’s successful solution in this stage results in a sense of initiative and ambition tempered by reasonable understanding of the permissive (Slaving, 2012, p. 62). Monotone’s social-emotional development is age appropriated. He is learning what is acceptable and what is not. His emotional regulation skills expand and able to identify his feelings, as his language skill develop. Monterey enjoys being around his peers, during preschool years, peers begin to play the important roles. Peers conflict let children see that others have thoughts and feeling different from their own. Most of preschool interactions occur during play, which reflects the four levels of social interaction (solitary play, parallel play, associative play and cooperative play). Monterey spends most of the time in dramatic play center and he achieves in the cooperative play level, which occurs when children Join together to reach common goals, sharing and taking turn. Play also allows boys to express themselves through dramatic play and to learn how to negotiate social-emotional challenges. It is through imaginary scenarios that young children work through family situations, pretend to be, negotiate role and problem-solve other real-life situations (Groper et al. , 2011, p. 36). Movement is a hallmark of early childhood and dramatic changes occur in both gross motor skills and fine motor skills (McDermott Ramrod, 2013, p. 164). During preschool years, gross motor skills become smoother and better coordinated as a result of muscular control increasing. Young children infuse pretend role in into their physical play. In gender difference, boys have a larger proportion of muscle tissues Han girls, they are more physically active and participate in more rough-and-tumble play than girls (Gordon Browne, 2013, p. 341). In this observation, even though Monotone’s physical appearance is smaller than his friends in the classroom, he tends to play rough-and-tumble like other boys who are bigger than him, which in this case, size does not matter in his physical development. Monotone’s fine motor skills make major strides in his age by dressing himself, eating with utensils, building blocks, putting small puzzles pieces together, writing his name legibly and cutting by using scissor to follow certain patterns. Level Weights believed that the adults in the society foster children’s learning, engage children in meaningful and challenging activities and help them make sense of their experiences. Weights emphasized the importance of adult guidance in promoting cognitive achievements. Children’s learning involves the acquisition of information from others and deliberate teaching. Development occurs as the child internalizes, be able to think and solve the problem without the help of others, this ability is called self-regulation. There are three key concepts in Weights theory, which are a zone of proximal development (ZAP), scaffolding and private speech or self-talk. As Monterey being observed, he clearly shows one of the key concepts of Weights theory, Private speech or self-talk. There are many times when he is working on play dough, puzzles and building blocks, he usually talks himself out loud about his plan in what to do next. When thought and language first merge, children often talk to themselves. Self-talk serves an important function in cognitive development. By talking to themselves, children learn how to guide their own behavior through complex maneuvers (McDermott Ramrod, 2013, p. 17) and self-talk increases when children are performing more challenges task. Language development in children age three to seven years is tied with their thoughts, during these years, children talk aloud to themselves. After a while, self-talk becomes internalized so he children can act without talking out loud (Gordon Browne, 2013, p. 09). Children talk to themselves for self-guidance, self-direction and help children think about their behavior and plan for their actions. ZAP and scaffolding are also important keys in helping children develop their cognitive skills. ZAP helps hillier master their skills with the assistance of another skilled person and scaffolding is a useful structure to support children’s lea rning. Children who get advice to help them master the activities within their abilities tend to be more successful in their cognitive skills and development. Kimberly is ten years old girl, who is very curious about everything around her. By the time, children enter elementary school, they have developed skills for more complex thoughts, actions and social influence. The primary grade children will normally be spent working through Erosion’s fourth stage, industry versus inferiority. They contribute to their sense of industry and accomplishment. During this stage, children start to prove that they are â€Å"grown up† or â€Å"l can do it myself† stage. This stage also includes the growth of independent action, cooperation with groups and performing socially acceptable ways. Most children make great strides in terms of their ability to recognize emotions in themselves and others, control their emotions and communicate about their emotion with language. As Kimberly was being observed, her emotional regulation continues to evolve. She can substitute one activity to another, change the way they think about troubling situation. Only one thing that she tends to do is keeping her feeling to herself. According to McDermott Ramrod (2013), elementary and middle school students also tend to keep their feelings to themselves that suggest they are vulnerable (p. 37). Kimberly tends to move on to the new thing and does not like to be asked about the problem that bothers her. Throughout the school year, children have opportunities to face many circumstances to develop their emotional regulations and how to properly express their social expressions. Most children have a similar appearance during middle childhood, the body size increases and their legs are longer in pr oportion to the body. This steady growth results in an increase in height and weight. Girls mature somewhat quickly than do boys. As children progress through middle childhood, they become increasingly sensitive about their physical appearance (McDermott Ramrod, 2013, p. 165). This shows in Kimberly perspective of others in their appearances. She likes to ask why people wear certain types of outfit, hairstyles and the way people look. She was asked to explain about her ideas about her own curiosity, her answers give the result f what she wishes she could have or looks like. Self-conscious increases as children get close to puberty, which children start to notice the changes of their appearances. Many children exaggerate their own physical flaws, the reality is that appearance is influential in social relationship and affect how they feel about themselves (McDermott ramrod, 2013, p. 165). Jean Pigged referred the period of cognitive development of children age between seven to eleven years old is concrete operational stage. During this stage, children become increasingly skilled in the understanding of logical and concrete information. Even though, they still struggle with hypothetical or abstract concepts, they still be able to focus on multiple aspects of problem, thinking in different viewpoints and become less egocentric. They begin to have longer attention span and better able to remember information for longer period. Play still plays an important part in children during this age group. Middle childhood play fosters cognitive development. Children exercise their executive skills when planning pretense scripts. Using symbols in games, designing constructions and organizing games with rules (Bergen Foregoer, 2009, p. 428). Play also shows the ability to use what they already know to construct new knowledge. During the observation, Kimberly shows how she relates her cognitive skills with play ideas by creating new games, rules and being adjust them to be appropriated to younger children in her mother’s classroom. Play is the essence of creativity in children throughout the world, it is universal and reflects the children’s growth, life and how they look at the world. Not only cognitive development, play promotes learning for the whole child, providing benefits for all developmental domains. Conclusion Once, everyone was a child. Learning about child development can provide additional insight of how a child becomes later in life. The better understand of the age process, the better prepare when the issues emerge. Teachers, educators, parents and educator are not only gained the process of understanding but will be able to recognize what is normal and not normal in the children development. Bible also makes clear that each person is unique. All are able to contribute to life in a special way, using their distinctive gifts (Romans 12:4-8). Study human development tends to follow remarkably predictable patterns, which indicate the typical placement of each ages and stages. How to cite Developmental case study, Free Case study samples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

L. S. Lowrys painting Waiting for the shop to open Essay Example For Students

L. S. Lowrys painting: Waiting for the shop to open Essay In the foreground, there are people queuing outside and waiting for the shop to open. Scenes of waiting in queues were very common during the wartime in England. In this line of customers there are elderly people and also middle-aged with their children. The shop is on the left hand-side Of the painting, it has a placard with the name of the greengrocers shop and beneath it there is the number Of the street Which is significant because its a reference to the place where the scene is happening and where J. S. Lowry lived. Most of his work are scenes Of life in Bundler and its surroundings (Greater Manchester). In the background. There are factories and houses with chimneys and aerials, very frequent and characteristic landscape in Lorrys style, such as the crowds of simple dark figures, also referred to as matchstick men. Besides, the lack of colors in the background contrasts with the foreground since in the front there are plenty of colors and dark tones, however, in the background there s an absence of them, the artist uses the white tort the environment and a few other colors to shape the scene. This is why L, S, Lowry was known as a Sunday painter due to the simple human figures and the lack tot weather effects. In Waiting for the shop to open we clearly see the war artists style, a landscape of an industrial district during a shortage in asses and how L. S. Lowry remarked: If people call me a Sunday painter, Im a Sunday painter who paints every day of the week! .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Meaning Of Life Essays - Meaning Of Life, Metaphysics

The Meaning Of Life Introduction to Philosophy Paper #1 The Meaning of Life The human civilization has been on earth for thousands of years now. We started off with simple tools and used caves as shelter. Now we depend on computers, enjoy a luxurious life and develop new ways to improve our lives even more. I always wonder if we finally reached the final stage of improvement in our history. I mean what else can we do? When I think about that question, the idea of the meaning of life comes to my mind and I question the reason for my existence on this planet. My personal theory on this subject states that we are here to impress God with our thoughts and actions, in order to prove to him that we can handle any obstacles on Earth in order to achieve faith and glory to be prepared for God in heaven. But then again my theory might not make any sense to someone who doesn't believe in God. If there were no God, then what would the meaning of life for the non-believer be? The meaning of life is a very delicate topic because no one has the answer to it, but there are many theories that attempt to explain it and help us understand life better. There are many people in the world that don't believe in anything and think that nothing really matters because we might be dead in the short future. This is an interesting idea because if the world will end soon, then it doesn't really matter what we do now. I mean if there is no point in life, then why should we even bother to struggle for a better life if those achievements will not be permanent. If we think like that then there is no point to what we do, unless we figure out what life is and what we want to do with it. In my opinion, we can explain the point of most of the things we do if not all. We are all brought up in a similar way and we learn to share our planet with other creatures. We learn to communicate, we express our feelings and we learn something new everyday in order to make our lives better. We work to earn money in order to survive and support our families. We eat, sleep, and enjoy entertainment. We also talk to our friends and try to be the best at what we do. I mean, if we didn't do any of that, then our lives would be miserable and there would be no point to it. Then we ask ourselves again, ?Is that really the meaning of life or is there more to it.? In our lifetime we do all these things and usually we don't even think about them. I mean if we look at our lives there is really no point to it at all. We go through ups and downs all the time, we experience happiness and sadness, and we all think about death. Most of us want to be remembered when we pass away, but then we think about death and we realize that we will be forgotten and only our close family members will remember us. I mean other people won't really care about our death because there is no point to their life either, since the meaning of life is not known to any of us and probably never will be. We are close to our families and we seem to love each other, but that will all pass as soon as death arrives. We all have the opportunity to make our life have a larger meaning. Even if we don't believe that possibility then we can make ourselves belief that it is achievable because many people around us were able to do it. I mean we might be a part of a political or a social movement, which might affect our lives now and benefit the future generations. For example a scientist might be able to achieve that point in many ways. Through his work he can at least figure out a big part of the meaning of life. In today's world we have scientists working on cures for

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Standpoint Theory Paper Essays

Standpoint Theory Paper Essays Standpoint Theory Paper Essay Standpoint Theory Paper Essay Standpoint Theory Paper Racism is defined as the systematic subordination of certain racial groups by those groups in power . As a society, we must first eradicate ignorance in order to defeat racism. We must acknowledge that people have different ways of viewing the world and that even though someone may have a different opinion than you, it is not necessarily wrong. The idea that people have different ways of viewing the world stems from standpoint theory. Standpoint theory is based on the concept that people view the world differently depending on their social standing . A central theme of tandpoint theory is that a persons racial and or ethnic background deeply impacts how they view and interact with the world . Racial location and racial standpoints are both key elements of standpoint theory. A racial location is defined as the racial or ethnic groups to which a person belongs . Everyone has a racial location because everyone identifies with at least one or more races. Having a racial location does not necessarily mean that one has a racial standpoint. A racial standpoint refers to a racial location accompanied by a deep and oppositional understanding that our xperiences are influenced by societal and political climates . The way we behave and the way we think is a product of our environment and is a direct result of our childhood. As we grow up our beliefs and opinions are shaped by our experiences and the example set forth by our parents. My greatest influences on my views of race have been my parents. My parents emigrated from Nigeria to the United States in the early 1980s. My parents have always been open-minded about different races and cultures but they tend to be guarded when interacting with people of Caucasian issent, indicating to me that they have had past negative experiences causing them to react this way. Ann Arbor, MI is very diverse and cultured city. Growing up in Ann Arbor meant that I was exposed to people of different races, lifestyles and creeds. My childhood best friends were of different races then me, one being Polish and the other being Indian. I was a very inquisitive child and would often ask my parents about why people were different. They always took the time to explain different cultures to me. My parents have always taught me to be cautious when I interact with people of Caucasian dissent. They have never expressed any racism towards people of the Caucasian race but have always reminded me to be on my guard and that not everyone I meet has good intentions. I have noticed that this cautiousness has been a recurring theme in the Nigerian community that I am a part of. This message has been relayed to me by aunts, uncles and even my Nigerian friends. The idea that I should have to be cautious around specific races has always bothered me. I know that this mistrust of the Caucasian races isnt completely unfounded. History has shown us that given the opportunity, some people will try and suppress ou. I am of the mind that not everyone is out to suppress me and bring me down. My parents will often tell me that I ignore the racism that is rampant in this country. I understand that racism exists and that there are people who will go out of their way racism everywhere we go. Many instances of racism occur because people are ignorant of other cultures and allow their prejudices to blind them. Living in Ann Arbor means that I interact with people of different races and cultures on a daily basis. Many of my closest friends are from different ethnic groups: my roommate is Caucasian, another friends is Caucasian and my best friends is part Mexican. Whenever I interact with a person from a different race or ethnic group I look at it as an opportunity to learn something about a different culture or way of thinking. Even though I try to look at every interracial/interethnic interaction as a positive one, there have been times where these interactions have turned into negative ones. One of the earliest incidences of ignorance and racism I experienced was in middle school. I remember being in Geography class learning about the continent of Africa, pecifically the country of Niger. We were watching a movie about a boy who lived in a hut and had to herd cattle across a river as a rite of passage. Since everyone in class knew I was Nigerian, everyone in class assume that I had gone through this ritual. They then used this as an opportunity to ask me ridiculous questions like: do you run with lions? Do you swing from tree to tree and do you live in a hut? Naturally I was very upset because this view of Africans that my classmates presented was not what my parents had taught me. Besides, I was born in the United States and grew p there Just like many of my other classmates. The worst part of that situation was that my teacher didnt even correct my classmates. To me, that entire situation is a perfect example of how ignorance leads to racism. Another negative racial experience that I will never forget occurred while I was in my sophomore year of high school. I had gone down to Atlanta to visit my God-family. My God sister Tara, who is also African-American and I drove around town looking for a barbershop so that I could get a haircut. We stopped at a place that appear to be open and proceeded to open the door. As soon as we opened the door, we both sensed that something awkward was about to happen. Before we even had time to cross the threshold everything going on inside the shop came to a grinding halt, it felt like being in a movie scene. Barbers turned off their clippers, people abruptly stopped their conversations and everyone Just stared at us. At this point we understood that we were not welcome and walked right back out. Throughout this entire interaction not a single word was uttered. Orbe, Mark P and Tina M Harris. Interacial Communication: Theory into Practice. 2nd . Losa Angeles: Sage Publications, Inc. , 2008.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Worlds Biggest Smoke Bomb

Worlds Biggest Smoke Bomb Have you ever wondered just how big the worlds biggest smoke bomb would be or how it could be constructed? We built a 15-pound smoke bomb to apply for the Guinness World Record for Worlds Biggest Smoke Bomb. Heres how the worlds biggest smoke bomb was made. Why explain how to do it? Well, one of the requirements for a Guinness World Record is that it be breakable. Im hoping explaining how it was done will inspire you to make your own smoke bomb and experiment with the possibilities. Its what science and invention are all about! In addition to this written description, theres also a video, showing the final result. Smoke Bomb Recipe There are several ways to produce smoke, but for a device to be a smoke bomb, it needs to produce a lot of smoke. Dry ice and liquid nitrogen produce fog, but thats something different from smoke. If you want real smoke, you can prepare a powdered smoke mixture or make a solid smoke bomb. To make the worlds biggest smoke bomb, we went with the traditional saltpeter and sugar mixture. You can get smoke at different ratios of ingredients. We made the smoke bomb using: 3 parts saltpeter or potassium nitrate (Spectracide Stump Remover)2 parts sucrose (granulated white sugar) Its possible to make a smoke bomb by dampening these ingredients, mixing them and allowing the formula to dry, but that can take a really long time, plus it doesnt burn as well as the cooked mixture. We cooked the smoke bomb in relatively small batches on a kitchen stove, pouring each batch into a large cardboard mortar. Preparing the Smoke Bomb This smoke bomb formula also is used for model rockets because it produces a lot of pressure as gases are released during combustion. This is great for a rocket, but not desirable for a smoke bomb, so the design needed to prevent the smoke bomb from launching itself. To accomplish this, holes were drilled into the cardboard mortar so gases would escape in all directions. The completed smoke bomb was placed in a hole and lit from the top so that it would push down into the ground. Lessons Learned The design of the smoke bomb worked exactly as planned, but it would have been better if the smoke bomb had burned a little more slowly and with less flame. How can this be achieved? There are two easy fixes. One solution would be to change the ratio of potassium nitrate to sugar. A 1:1 ratio is harder to light, but burns more slowly and produces more smoke. Another solution is to add a small amount of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to the mixture to moderate the rate of the reaction. For example, if we do this, a typical amount is 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate per 60 grams potassium nitrate and 40 grams sugar. Safety Notes   If you want to make a smoke bomb of your own or potentially break this record, its best to start small. First, make sure its legal to make and light smoke bombs where you live. Since they dont explode, smoke bombs are legal in many places that disallow other fireworks, but its best to know the law before you get started. Also, use common sense. Dont light smoke bombs anywhere you cant manage a fire, should one start. Smoke bombs should only be made and lit under adult supervision. Start out with the non-cook smoke bomb and then try some of my other recipes. Feel free to write me if you have any questions. Have fun! Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to raise age Assignment

The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to raise age limits for younger drivers and lower age limit for the aged ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree - Assignment Example Young drivers do not often exhibit the maturity of middle-aged drivers. Young drivers and to the reckless and vulnerable to pressure from peers about over speeding and daring stunts. Second, young drivers are not conscious of the overpowering nature of an intoxicated mind while driving. As a result, young drivers drive under the influence more often than middle-aged ones. Consequently, many young drivers lose their lives to traffic accidents because of driving while intoxicated (Elvik, 2009, p. 770). Increasing age limits for young drivers should lower the number of traffic accidents in the country yearly. Aged drivers are more vulnerable to health complications such as heart problems, Alzheimer’s disease, and impaired vision than middle-aged drivers are. Such health complications result in slow driving and poor impulses (Coughlin and DAmbrosio, 2012, p. 59). A good driver has to be alert enough to know when to drive at the speed limit and when drive below it. A good driver should also be able to respond quickly in the event of an imminent accident in an effort to prevent it. Lowering age limits for aged drivers should also know the number traffic accidents in the country annually (Rothe, n.d., p. 129). In conclusion, less young and aged drivers there are on the roads, the less traffic accidents will be recorded. Surely many other risk factors for traffic accidents such as faulty vehicles, poor roads, and misleading road signs should be taken into account. However, raising age limits for young drivers and lowering age limits for aged drivers is an equally important effort for reducing road

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

CYB Week 2 Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CYB Week 2 Discussion - Assignment Example A ping sweep is a diagnostic method used to determine what range of Internet Protocol addresses that are in use by live hosts, usually computers. It is usually used to indicate where active computers are on a network and is sometimes used by the system administrator for identifying a network issue. Ping sweeps are also utilized by computer attackers to see which machines are active so they know where to focus their attacks (Kizza, 2005). A packet sniffer is a program that sees all of the data passing over the network of which the computer is connected to. As data creeks back and forth on the network, the program "sniffs," each packet. A packet is a section of the message that has been broken up. Example Port scanning is defined as the technique of systematically skimming a computers ports, a port is where information gets into and out of a computer, and port scanning identifies open ports to a computer. For instance, TCP Null, TCP Xmas, TCP FIN, TCP SYN, and UDP port

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Americans and Cinema Essay Example for Free

Americans and Cinema Essay Despite America as a country encompassing by different cultures and ethnic background, the historical significance of the American Indians are still unfelt and given recognition in the modern times. (Martin) In the United States and in Canada, the term Indians has established a connotation of some hegemonic designation which implies a culture that is very different from the perspective of the American Indians. In modern times, Native Americans are depicted as a culture with savage and barbaric background, implying an image of the Native Americans as dangerous and unacceptable to behavior of European decent. (Drinnon) American Indians today are struggling to correct the misconception about their culture, they seek to achieve a balanced and truthful portrayal of the people who were first to call America as their home. In the media, the Indians were portrayed as mostly villains with unacceptable behavior. The availability of the casting roles for Native Americans has been prioritized for the Westerns and has this stereotyped image that is always shown in films and movies. In the movies, there are four distinct tribes of native Americans used to be portrayed, the Apache, Cheyenne, Comanche and Sioux. During the 1950’s and through the 1960’s however, there were more sympathetic native characters that even American Indians get to act by themselves. Jeff Chandler is one who won the Academy Award for his portrayal of an Apache leader in the movie Broken Arrow. (Singer) During the 1970’s when the Vietnam War erupted, the country was greatly divided by social opinions by the war and this has seen the opportunity for the movie industry to highlight a more culturally inclined film. Little Big Man produced in 1970 featured Dan George as a Native American chief as a main character. (Singer) However, it was Dustin Hoffman who received the most attention for his role as the lead protagonist. The movie became a breakthrough film as it features a Native American as a lead character. During the 1960’s on the other hand, when the U. S has many upheavals form antiwar protests and civil rights issues, the Native Americans saw this as an opportunity to raise awareness of the people regarding destructive colonial policies that in their own culture brought harm. A group called the American Indian Movement (AIM) led the protests in front of theaters which depicted the Native Americans wrongly. Commercialized films mentioned are A Man Called Horse and Soldier Blue (both in1970) and Billy Jack in 1971. (Bataille) Another breakthrough portrayal of Native Americans came forth in the release of Dances with Wolves in 1990. (Singer) The movie starred Kevin Costner and included many actors and props to make the setting early western looking. There include buffalos, Indians and horses in the plains of South Dakota, the homeland of the Sioux. The film upheld original Native American tradition, from the language, features of the actors, behavior and others. Dances with Wolves has repeated the painful endurance of the Native Americans, as once again, the culture and tradition of the native settlers were resigned in defeat from the colonial powers. (Singer) Modern society today are confined with knowing what almost everybody knows about the Native Indians; barbaric and unusual. There are many accounts of growing children that has suffered the misconception of cowboys chasing the Indians. (Freeman) There are many stereotypes for the American Indians; from costumes, head dress, dances and chants. However, there lies the failure to realize that the message to children who has this misconception is an implicit disagreement to the real culture and background of the Native Americans. Most of what children today know about the American Indians is brought about by history books and other things they learn about in history that is why there are many stereotypes attached to the culture. Two predominant stereotypes of Native Americans is their physical appearance; moccasin-wearing people with feathers on their head, and second; powerless cultures defeated by the white man’s weapon. (Freeman) With regards to personal traits, Native Americans are viewed by non-natives as savage or wild, lazy, gets drunk quickly or drinks a lot, very soft spoken or quiet, and has no sense of humor. Other misconceptions also entails Native Americans having no money sense, makes little effort to get education, close to nature, adheres strictly to Indian time, and do handcrafts all the time. More over, in terms of how they view society, Native Americans are often misunderstood as a culture who wants their land back badly, always asks for handouts, ostracize themselves by avoiding the society, lack of unity and tribal factionalism and worship pagans as a consequence to being very close to nature. (nativeamericans) The Native Americans has endured a lot during the past years. As they continue to struggles against discrimination and the stereotypes attached to their name, it is very important for the modern society to also do the needed research and understanding of the real Native Americans. It is not enough that we rely on the portrayal of the Native Americans in movies or history books; we must get to know them as a culture, as a community who has always struggled to maintain and uphold their own identity in a nation that has truly forgotten their significance. Works Cited: Bataille, Gretchen M. and Charles Silet. The Pretend Indians: Images of Native Americans in the Movies. Ames: Iowa State UP 1980. Berkhofers, Robert. The White Mans Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the Present New York: Vintage, 1979.Drinnon, Richard. Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire Building. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1980. Freeman, Andrea. Representing Native Cultures: Stereotypes and Inaccuracies in First Nations and American Indian Children’s Literature. Term Paper. Vancouver, BC Canada. Martin, Calvin, ed. The American Indian and the Problem of History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. Native America: Portrait of the People. (1994). nativeamericans. American Indians. (2007). January 25 http://www. nativeamericans. com/index. htm. Singer, Beverly R. Native Americans and Cinema: Native Americans in Movies. (2007). January 24 http://www. filmreference. com/encyclopedia/Independent-Film-Road-Movies/Native-Americans-and-Cinema-NATIVE-AMERICANS-IN-MOVIES. html. Thomas, Jeffrey. American Indians Seek Greater Understanding, Recognition. USINFO. 18 October ed: U. S Department of States Bureau of International Informational Programs, 2007.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The issues of the poet :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Issues   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question is: What do you think the grandmother meant when she said to the Misfit, â€Å"Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children!† Why do you think the Misfit killed her when she said that? Since the question is two parts, I’ll answer it in two parts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The grandmother said that the Misfit was one of her children in an attempt to console him into thinking that she was not someone that he wanted to kill. The reason that she says that has some symbolic underlying tones. She symbolizes Jesus, saving His flock from the perils of life, while the Misfit represents Lucifer, out to undermine the very fabric of our belief system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The devil, in most cases, is purely an anecdotal figure; there simply for us to gauge the deeds of the good against. In this case, we see that the devil, easily represented by an escape convict, showing all that could go wrong with a person. The convict, however, goes through all theses motions showing almost no emotion; as if he has no humanly response to any stressful situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Misfit killed the grandmother in a mute fit of rage. In his mind he was thinking, â€Å"How do she get tha gall ta say she’s my ma? She ain’t got no right ta do it.† He then promptly killed her for her indiscretions. This simple act is brought about by a complex set of circumstances. The need of the devil to immediately extinguish all resistance to his cause; control the little man and you shall control the masses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fact that the Misfit killed the grandmother in cold blood is not true. The Misfit was full of inner emotion when he consummated the act, seemingly showing no outward signs of fear or nervousness.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Philosophy and Engineering Essay

Study is not only learning the facts but rather it is a practice the mind to think. This is my values in concerning Engineering course in my life not only do utilize the scientific knowledge to build something, but you also utilize philosophical wisdom in figuring out what to build, so that it will be valuable and new. The range of philosophical studies there is without limit of facts, thoughts, ideas and knowledge beyond existence or do without exist and act being exist. For us soon to be engineer, the first principle of high metaphysics is very important and significant for innovation. The first cause principle of all things is GOD. Without him we can’t innovate out which something is made, through which something is made, is that which something is made and on the account which something is made. In the act of â€Å"esse† the values is being mannered, through this we give respect, loyalty and wisdom in everything we do. We have to attain the highest form human achievements â€Å"the most universal science† since all reality is its object of study. Metaphysics relates the knowledge (truth) and to the will (Goodness). Aesthetic sense (beauty) is necessary for innovation. Beauty is imagination, without imagination you can’t create something is entice. Imagination is greater than knowledge. Connected values is based on interactivity, dialogue and participation. It connects people on a personal level, while recognising the importance of the values of the institutions they represent. It uses a cyclic, reflexive and action-learning methods. â€Å"I appreciate people who are electric and all engineering level, whether they mean it or not. I think: Be electric!. Do not cherish your opinion over my feelings. There’s a vanity to candor that isn’t really worth it. Be kind†¦

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rehabilitation in Prison Essay

Prison rehabilitation programs are the methods stated by criminal justice authorities to keep prisoners away from committing further crimes. Previously, the purpose of such programs was to improve the character of prisoners but now it has been directed towards complete avoidance of crimes. These programs assist criminals to start new life free from criminal activities. There are several methods or disciplines of prisoner rehabilitation (Cartmell, 2011). Some prisons are into the faith-based prisoner rehabilitation wherein religion is used to encourage inmates to adapt some moral values. There are also prisons, which practice the nonreligious and nonmedical approach to prisoner rehabilitation. Some of their programs last for about six to eight months. This program does not use alternative drugs for its drug rehabilitation module, and the costs are extremely low compared to the other prisoner rehabilitation programs that use drugs and acquire the services of third party counselors (Cartmell, 2011). Although prisoner rehabilitation does not guarantee that a prisoner is release on the due date, if he or she will then follow a life of crime any longer, at least it will give him or her new perspective on life. It will ensure that prisoners do not go out with the same attitude they had when they came in (Cartmell, 2011). It will change their lives and give his or her hope that there is life waiting for them outside the prison walls. Parole is the discharge of an inmate, previous to the expiration of the inmate’s court-imposed sentence with a period of supervision to be successfully completed by observance with the conditions and terms of the release agreement ordered by the Commission (Christensen, 2003-2011) . The decision of the commission to parole an inmate shall represent an act of grace of the state and should not be considered a right.  There are several differences between parole and probation. Most of the misunderstanding regarding the words is that probation officers may also be called parole officers. Probation is part of a sentence for committing a crime. The judge decides how much time a person must serve in jail guided by the laws of the state and how much time after incarceration is spent on probation. Sometimes a judge will only sentence a person convicted of a minor crime to one to several years of probation (Christensen, 2003-2011). Although on probation, a condition of the sentence may be to have weekly or monthly meetings with a probation officer. The other conditions may be applied to probation (Christensen, 2003-2011). A person may not be able to drive, or might have a curfew. He or she must also not commit further crimes whereas on probation, or the probation may be violated. This empowers the courts to send the person to jail to serve the length of the original sentence, and to serve any additional time for new crimes. Parole, on the other hand, is granted to the individual placed in jail. With many crimes sentencing has a maximum amount of years imposed. These years in jail however can be shortened if the person convicted of a crime behaves well in prison. After a time, a person in prison â€Å"comes up† for parole. The decision to grant a person parole is made by a parole board. If the person has done well in prison, and early release is not contested, the parole board can shorten prison time. There is superior motivation to parole nonviolent offenders because many jails are overcrowded. When a person receives parole, he or she is often bound by many conditions. The violation of parole means going back to prison to serve out the rest of one’s sentence. When someone is on parole is quite similar to experiencing probation. One expects a greater degree of supervision and is bound by the parole board or the court to behave in an exemplary fashion (Christensen, 2003-2011). Probation is given as part of judge’s sentence during a trial. Both impose conditions on the person’s continued behavior. Violation of these conditions can result in serving some or serving more jail time. The Community Corrections Division supervises offenders who either been confined in a county jail or prison for felonies, convictions of more than a year, or sentenced to direct supervision in the community (Mangino, 2006) . Most offenders have conditions of supervision.  These conditions guides by public-safety considerations and engage each offender in programs to reduce their likelihood of re-offense. Offenders report to Community Corrections Officers and depending upon the offender’s history or crime is prohibited from acquiring contact with minors or victims. They’re also required to submit to urinalysis testing and to participate in substance abuse treatment programs. A range of sanctions imposed for noncompliance, up to and including jail time. The purpose of community corrections has many good reasons, overcrowding in jails and prisons can be greatly reduced, a person can remain a productive member of society and still serve his or her sentence. The risks involves with anything, the court must take those into consideration before placing someone in a diversion program, minor drug offenses are being dealt with in this fashion and in a number of cases proving to be successful in doing so (Mangino, 2006) . In deciding on the release from prison of a life sentenced prisoner, the Minister will always consider the advice and recommendations of the Parole Board of Ireland (Mangino, 2006) .The Board, at present, initially reviews prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment after seven years served. Prisoners serving very long sentences, including life sentences, are normally reviewed on a number of occasions over a number of years before any substantial concessions recommended by the Board (Mangino, 2006) . The final decision as to about a life sentenced prisoner is release solely with the Minister. The length of time spent in custody by offenders serving life sentences can vary substantially. Of those prisoners serving life sentences released, the average sentence served in prison is approximately 12 years. However, this is only an average, and there are prisoners serving life sentences in Ireland who have spent in excess of 30 years in custody. In conclusion, criminal experts believe the need for prisoner rehabilitation programs so that cases of prisoners won’t continue. Although prisoner rehabilitation does not guarantee that a prisoner, or that he or she will not follow a life of crime any longer, at least it will give him or her new perspective on life. Prisoners serving very long sentences,  including life sentences, are normally reviewed on a number of occasions over a number of years before any substantial concessions recommended by the Board. The final decision as to about a life sentenced prisoner is rests solely with the Minister. Criminal experts believe the need for prisoner rehabilitation programs so that cases of prisoners re-offending will be pointed. The length of time spent in custody by offenders serving life sentences to a large extent. References Christensen, T. (2003-2011). Conjecture Corporation. : Mangino, Mathew ProQuest Newspaper Database. , p. (2006, December 6 Cartmell, P. (2011). Rehabilitation

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Shopping Diaries Brand New Flat Screen 47

Shopping Diaries Brand New Flat Screen 47 Before Shopping My mother and I have been toying with the idea of getting a brand new flat screen 47 inch TV for over a year now. After much debating, consideration, and internet searching, we finally decided that it was time to go shopping and make the purchase.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Shopping Diaries: Brand New Flat Screen 47-inch TV specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since this was like buying a new toy for a child, you can just imagine the excitement and eagerness that both of us felt as I drove us to the mall where all the appliance stores were located. Before we seriously buckled down to shopping, I remember feeling a tinge of apprehension. Were we really ready to make this purchase? Wasnt this just an impulse buy? Maybe we should sleep on it and come back another day? During the time when I was doing my internet research on the product, I had come to the realization that the amount of money needed to pu rchase the TV would probably pay for a semester of college for me. Not only that, but television technology advanced and came out with newer, more superior models to the previous flat screen TV releases on a 6 month basis. Making the item devalue practically the minute we plopped down our payment for it. Somehow I managed to convince myself otherwise and we trudged on in search of the perfect flat screen TV. Knowing that my mother was advancing in age and needed a larger screen TV in order to see the images on the screen, and that we already had a digital entertainment theater system set up at home, sans the correct TV set, were what probably helped me get over my initial apprehensions about buying the flat screen at this point in time. It may not be a necessity for me, since I spend most of my time at school, studying, or at work, but my mom, who is always at home, needs it for her own personal enjoyment. So who am I to prevent her from getting what she will enjoy the most? I can u se the set up when I have some free time anyway. After Shopping Okay, so here we are, sitting in the food court and enjoying an after shopping snack. We have finally made the purchase and both feel quite satisfied with our choice of an LG Scarlet 47 inch flat screen. We had actually lucked out at the appliance store because they had both a Samsung flat screen TV and an LG flat screen TV in the display area. These were the exact 2 brands that we were considering to buy and it was fantastic that we got to compare their visual output and other specs side by side. It made shopping and decision making a lot easier. Thanks to the internet research that I did previously, I was able to ask the salesman the proper questions about the items and get his opinion on the items, all things considered. Since we were shopping for opinions, he even went to the extent of asking his co-workers for their opinions on the 2 items, and later on, his store manager also weighed in with his opinion.Advertisin g Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The more opinions the better I always say. We finally settled on the LG flat screen because it had one thing that the Samsung flat screen did not have, a screen protector that would protect the pixels and bulbs from death in the event that the screen was accidentally hit by a sharp or blunt object at full force. The Samsung version would have dead pixels instantly. Since I had my mother with me, and the purchase was really being made for her, I felt that she was the best shopping companion that I could have brought with me. She helped me stay focused on what item we really wanted to get when my eyes would stray to the other product displays, and reminded me of the budget that we had to stick to. We had a pleasant time shopping together and enjoyed our time together because we both knew exactly what was needed and wanted at the time and had al ready discussed it before hand.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Study Of Lyme Disease In New

Jersey Essay, Research Paper Introduction Merely by populating in the universe, human existences are susceptible to disease. Many diseases # 8212 ; for illustration, grippe and TB # 8212 ; are spread when bacteriums or viruses pass from one individual to another. Other diseases are acquired genetically from one? s parents, such as cystic fibrosis. Some diseases, such as bosom disease and osteoporosis, develop as worlds age. Others worlds get from the environment ; illustrations are lead toxic condition and tegument malignant neoplastic disease due to exposure to the Sun. Finally, there are diseases that can be transmitted from animate beings to worlds. Lyme disease is one such disease. Cases of Lyme disease, which is transmitted to worlds and pets by the bite of a tick, are steadily increasing in countries such as the Northeast part of the United States. At present, there is no vaccinum for worlds ; the best manner to forestall Lyme disease is to take safeguards against being bitten by a tick and leting the tick to stay af filiated to the tegument long plenty for the infection to be transmitted. History The narrative of Lyme disease in the United States began in 1975, when two female parents, Polly Murray and Judith Mensch, alarmed by the great figure of instances of joint redness in the their communities of Lyme and Ease Haddam, Connecticut, contacted public wellness governments ( 7:5 ) . The wellness section contacted Allen Steere and his co-workers at Yale University, in New Haven. Steere believed the eruption may supply a hint about the infective agent or environmental toxin that was responsible for arthritis ( 2:26 ) . One early observation made by Steere was an association between the arthritis and a anterior tegument roseola. A connexion was so made between this roseola and a similar 1 called erythema migrans, which comes from the bite of the sheep tick, Ixodes Ricinus and is often found in northern Europe ( 7:5 ) . After field surveies and patient studies were carried out the research workers released three indispensable findings which subsequently led to the find of the infective agent. First, the disease was seasonal, happening most normally in the summer and much less so in the center of the winter. In geographic countries such as Connecticut, these findings suggest that the virus was either a summer virus or an infection carried by and insect or a tick ( 7:35 ) . Second, the disease did non distribute from one individual in a household to another. Summer viruses were normally spread from individual to individual, particularly those populating in the same family. When a summer virus was eliminated, the focal point shifted to the engagement of arthropods ( 7:37 ) . Third, the disease was much more prevalent on one side of the Connecticut River than the other. Since the Connecticut River bisects the province, this became an of import factor in happening the cause of the disease. The research workers found a good correlativity with the frequence of a certain tick now named Ixodes scapularis. When furthered questioned, the affected people remembered being old bitten by a tick ( 2:27 ) . At foremost, the infective agent bring forthing Lyme disease was thought to hold been either a virus, protozoon, Fungis, or bacteriums. Among the possible agents, bacterium was the highest on the list. European doctors had been handling patients with medical specialties that were effectual against bacteriums. However, these findings were non originally accepted in the United States. It was merely after some of the patients in Steere? s survey were successfully treated with antibiotics, which are effectual against bacteriums, but non against viruses, protozoon, or Fungis, that bacterium was determined to be the infective agent ( 14:1015 ) . The specific bacterium was found by Willy Burgdorfer, an expert on a assortment of tick-borne diseases. While working at Montana? s Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Burgdorfer received a cargo of ticks from New York. After looking at the contents of the ticks through a microscope, Burgdorfer found a wavy signifier of a spirochaete that had neer been seen in the Ixodes group of ticks before. After finding that the same spirochaetes were present in ticks taken from Long Island and New Jersey, the freshly named Borrelia burgdorferi was confirmed as the bacterium that caused Lyme disease ( 1:47 ) . THE VECTOR The tick that transmits Lyme disease is called Ixodes scapularis. In the northeasterly and north-central United States it is frequently called the? cervid tick? because it is found so often on cervid. The southern signifier of I. scapularis is normally called the? black legged tick. ? The southern signifier of the species poses less of a menace of infection. Fewer of the southern ticks are infected and they tend to feed on other carnal hosts instead than worlds ( 2:43 ) . The ticks that transmit Lyme disease by and large live about two old ages. I. scapularis larvae, which are non much larger than the period at the terminal of this sentence, hatch in the summer from eggs laid by the grownup female that spring. They normally feed on a field mouse or other gnawer host that summer and into the early autumn. The larvae so alteration into nymphs the first twelvemonth ; these nymphs base on balls through the winter without feeding. the undermentioned spring and summer the nymphs provender on a gnawer or other little animate being. At least three out of four Lyme disease instances in the United States are from the bite of a nymphal tick that occurs sometime between May and August. Most of the bites go unnoticed because the nymphs are so little # 8211 ; about the size of a poppy seed ( 2:45 ) . In the 2nd twelvemonth, the nymph alterations to an grownup after feeding. The larger ticks, particularly the females, are more likely to be noticed by people. I. scapularis grownups bite cervid and other big mammals, such as worlds. The grownups feed subsequently in the twelvemonth than the nymphs and larvae and may stay active even as temperature bead to merely above nothing in the late autumn. Lyme disease infection happening in the autumn, particularly in the nor-east, can normally be attributed to the bite of an grownup ( 2:45-46 ) . Reservoir The Lyme disease spirochaetes can stay active and even multiply inside a tick? s organic structure, but rarely are they passed from an grownup female to her offspring. In order for the spirochaetes to distribute in nature, an septic tick must feed on another animate being, thereby go throughing the spirochaete from that animate being to other feeding ticks. Many types of mammals and birds are capable of hosting the bacterium and of go throughing it on to other ticks, therefore finishing the vector-reservoir-vector rhythm. Because about 99 per centum of the larvae of I. scapularis do non transport the bacteriums even if their grownup female parent of male parent did, the larvae must get the bacteriums by feeding on an septic host. In the instance of cervid ticks this host is normally a wild field mouse, called Peromyscus leucopus. In some parts more than half the mice are infected with Lyme disease bacteriums, therefore supplying a uninterrupted reservoir of the spirochaetes for many ticks. In bad countries for Lyme disease, such as New Jersey, the opportunities that a larva will go septic is as least one in four ( 13:36 ) . Symptom The first mark of the disease in 60 to 80 per centum of the instances is a roseola # 8211 ; a ruddy splodge or bull? s oculus form, frequently no more than 2 1/2 inches across. If left untreated it may, in two hebdomads to a month, expand to four times that size. The roseola does non ever occur at the site of the bite ( 11:9 ) . Often it is found at the axilla, inguen, or the dorsum of the articulatio genus. However, in many instances of Lyme disease no roseola occurs ; therefore it may be necessary to look at other factors before doing a diagnosing ( 16:41 ) . Other common symptoms include icinesss, febrility, weariness, and other flu-like symptoms ( 1:47 ) . If left untreated, the disease spreads to other P humanistic disciplines of the organic structure, and frequently consequences in more joint, tendon and musculus hurting, partial facial palsy, and bosom palpitations ( 8:11 ) . Chronic symptoms can develop if the disease goes untreated for months or old ages, and leads to severe arthritis and neurological jobs ( 5:29 ) . Diagnosis The best manner to get at or except a diagnosing of Lyme disease is to analyze three facets of the patient. The first is to find if the patient exhibits any of the above symptoms. The 2nd is discover whether or non the patient is at a high hazard of undertaking the disease. This factor takes into history the environment in which the patient lives, works, or enjoys his recreational activities. It may besides include whether or non the patient has a pet that may hold brought the ticks into the house ( 16:41 ) . The 3rd factor to see before naming Lyme disease is to execute research lab trials. The Second National Conference on Serologic Diagnosis of Lyme Disease recommends a two-test attack to find an active disease or a old infection. A doctor should execute a sensitive enzyme immunochemical assay ( EIA ) or immunofluorescent check ( IFA ) . If a patient trials positive on an EIA or IFA so the doctor should follow up with a standardised Western immunoblot ( 15:937 ) . Treatment In its early phases Lyme disease can easy be treated. Clinical surveies have shown that a 10 twenty-four hours to three hebdomad class of antibiotics is about 95 percent effectual in extinguishing the disease ( 14:1015 ) . Amoxicillin and Vibramycin are the two most prescribed antibiotics. They replaced the earlier interventions of penicillin and Achromycin because they are more easy absorbed by the enteric piece of land and require less frequent dosing ( 9:1 ) . Erythromycin, which is less effectual than penicillin or Achromycin, is now merely used in the intervention of immature kids, pregnant or nursing adult females, and those people allergic to penicillins ( 2:166 ) . If left untreated and allowed to come on to a ulterior phase, Lyme disease may necessitate to be treated with endovenous antibiotics. The success rate at this phase drops significantly and frequently patients will go on to see chronic symptoms ( 2:167 ) . Prevention It is of import to be cognizant if you live in or are going to a high hazard country. Ticks thrive in wooded, shaggy, grassy home grounds, and peculiarly in shady and damp countries. Measures to forestall Lyme disease include have oning long arms and bloomerss when out-of-doorss, inserting bloomerss into socks, and utilizing repellants # 8211 ; permethrin ( sold as Permanoe ) on vesture, and diethyltoluamide ( DEET ) on exposed countries of tegument. The most of import agencies of bar is a complete review of the organic structure at the terminal of every twenty-four hours spent out-of-doorss. A tick must be attached to the organic structure for a lower limit of 24 hours in order to convey the disease ; hence if a tick is found upon review it is non excessively late to forestall the disease from being transmitted. If a tick is discovered embedded in the tegument it should be removed instantly by hold oning the organic structure with a brace of all right tipped pincers and drawing gen tly until the tick comes out ( 4:31 ) . Statistical ASPECTS In 1995 ( the last complete twelvemonth for which figures are available ) , there 11,603 instances of Lyme disease reported in the United States by 43 provinces and the District of Columbia. The overall incidence of the disease was 4.4 per 100,000 people. This was the 2nd highest one-year figure reported since the disease was first tracked in 1982, nevertheless it was an 11 % lessening from the 13, 043 instances reported in 1994 ( 10:274 ) . Despite the national lessening, the incidence of Lyme disease in New Jersey has increased steadily since 1992, from 688 instances to 1,704 in 1995 ( 6: T-3 ) . An overall incidence of 21.1 per 100,000 people was reported ( 10:274 ) . Hunterdon County leads the province and is 2nd among the 3,300 counties in the state in the figure of instances per 100,000 occupants. In 1995, Hunterdon reported 565 instances. Morris County was 2nd in the province coverage 232 instances ( 6: T-3 ) . FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO THE HIGH INCIDENCE OF LYME DISEASE IN NEW JERSEY The three chief factors lending to the incidence in New Jersey are the sum of cervid nowadays in the province, an increased interaction between people and cervid, and an addition in the figure of doctors naming and describing Lyme disease. The figure of cervid in New Jersey continues to turn every twelvemonth ( 17:41 ) . This population detonation means that there are more cervid for the ticks to feed on and infect. This straight relates to the addition in interaction between people and cervid. As people move into more wooded countries, they are more likely to come in contact with cervid and their home grounds. This provides an chance for the ticks to attach themselves to dress or be found in families ( 13:37 ) . The 3rd factor can be attributed to an addition in consciousness among physicians to name Lyme disease. After a significant sum of media attending given to Lyme disease in the late 1980? s and early 1990? s, physicians all of a sudden began naming the disease in more patients. As an consciousness of the symptoms and hazard factors of Lyme disease increased, doctors were better able to do a more accurate diagnosing. They were now naming Lyme disease in patients that had antecedently been untreated ( 3 ) . Decision It is inevitable that the instances of Lyme disease will go on to increase in New Jersey until more people become cognizant of the earnestness of the disease. In recent old ages, the media has been instrumental in supplying the public with pertinent information refering the symptoms and hazard factors involved in the disease. At present, there is no vaccinum protecting worlds against Lyme disease. The best manner to protect oneself against undertaking Lyme disease is to forestall a tick from holding the chance to convey the infection. 1. Accerrano, Anthony. ? Tick, tick. ? Sports Afield. Aug. 1996. 44-47. 2. Barbour, Alan G. , M.D. Lyme Disease. Baltimore: John? s Hopkins University Press, 1996. 3. Fernandez, Bob. ? New Jersey County Suffering from 2nd Highest Rate of Lyme Disease. ? Tribune News Service. 28 Aug. 1994. 4. Gubler, Diane J. , et Al. ? A Field Guide to Animal-borne Infections. ? Patient Care. 15 Oct. 1994. 23-37. 5. Hearn, Wayne. ? Lyme Disease Back With a Few New Ticks, Er, Tricks. ? American Medical News. 22 Jul. 1996. 29-30. 6. ? It? s Tick Time. ? The Record. 23 Jun. 1996. T-3. 7. Lang, Denise, and Derrick DeSilva, Jr. , M.D. Coping With Lyme Disease. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1993. 8. ? Lingering Lyme Disease. ? Science News. 7 Jan. 1995. 11. 9. ? Lyme Disease: Treatment Controversies Continue. ? Health Facts. Jul. 1995. 1-2. 10. ? Lyme Disease # 8212 ; United States, 1995. ? The Journal of the American Medial Association. 24 Jul. 1996. 274. 11. Miller, Sue. ? Lyme Disease Update. ? Country Journal. Jul.-Aug. 1994. 8. 12. Murray, Polly. The Widening Circle. New York: St. Martin? s Press, 1996. 13. Nelson, Peter. ? Deer Watch. ? National Wildlife. Oct.-Nov. 1994. 34-42. 14. Pfister, Hans- Walter, et Al. ? Lyme Borreliosis: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects. ? The Lancet. 23 Apr. 1994. 1013-1017. 15. ? Recommendations for trial public presentation and reading from the Second National Conference on Serologic Diagnosis of Lyme Disease. ? The Journal of the American Medical Association. 27 Sept. 1995. 937. 16. Stewart, Kay B. ? A Quick Expression at Lyme Disease. ? Nursing. Aug. 1994. 41. 17. Sudo, Phil. ? The Bambi Boom. ? Scholastic Update. 16 Apr. 1993. 18.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

LEGAL ENVIRONMENT PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

LEGAL ENVIRONMENT PAPER - Essay Example For example, paying a government functionary in the home country a tip in order to facilitate licensing can be interpreted as bribery and subject to legal consequences or sanctions. In some foreign countries such payments are standard procedures of facilitating and expediting work, and failure to conform to such practices can often produce costly delays and probably significant losses. When there is a conflict between practices abroad and ethical and legal norms in the home country, the question that can arise is whether one should impose one’s ethical standard and values in a foreign country. Shouldn’t firms acknowledge ethical deviations for the sake of cultural sensitivity so as to avoid offending the officials and residents of the host country in the course of conducting its business? But first before going further let us attempt to define some terms and perhaps illustrate some basic concepts. The situation described above gives rise to some questions about corruption and bribery. Corruption, as defined by Joseph Nye more than 30 years ago, refers to the misuse of authority or a position of authority for some self-interested purpose (Nichols, P.M. (1997). And self-interest is not limited to pecuniary gain but may also include enhanced status, benefits to family and social circle, or any other perceived benefit. A bribe is a transaction which occurs when a good or service is transferred â€Å"across a technologically separable boundary.† (ibid). In bribery, the parties exchange benefits in an extra-legal setting, and, in most cases, the benefits conferred by the bribe giver is a quid pro quo for the benefit expected by the bribe giver.. The benefit may be anything of value to the bribe taker, made in the expectation of preferential treatment. From the economic and utilitarian perspective, bribery is objectionable because it distorts markets and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Unemployment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Unemployment - Research Paper Example In a country where the economy is continuously growing, the standards of living keep on improving, infrastructural development is experienced and the level of crime is low.In this report, the researcher will attempt to analyze and explain the reasons and effects of unemployment and inflation, advantages and disadvantages of the current fiscal and monetary policy, effectiveness of various economic reforms and effects of the balance of payments on exchange rates with respect to the Nigerian economy. Rural urban migration- This happens when people in the rural areas move to urban areas in search of employment.Henryexplains the rural-urban migration in terms of push - pull factors (34). The push factors include the pressure resulting from a rising man-land ratio in the rural areas and the existence of underemployment from seasonal cycle of the lack of infrastructure activities that make the rural life unattractive. He links rural-urban migration to the unattractiveness of rural life because of lack of basic amenities. When youths move to the urban areas in search of lucrative employment, there is concentration of social amenities that leads to neglecting of rural areas in the allocation of social and economic opportunities. Rapid population growth- The 2006 census in Nigeria put the populationat 140,431,791 people making it the most populous country in Africa. According to the CIA Worldfact book, the population growth rate of Nigeria was 2.54% in 2013. If the current growth rate continues, the population could reach 170million by year 2020. Rapid population growth leads to rapid growth of labor, increase in supply of jobs which the economy is not able to absorb.Bernice supports that excessive supply of laboris associated with the rate of growth of the population in that size and growth rate of labor force depends on the size and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How does Descartes use the example of wax to reinforce his argument of Term Paper

How does Descartes use the example of wax to reinforce his argument of the existence of the self - Term Paper Example e I am) which implies that one’s consciousness, set of thoughts or thinking or ability to doubt would give proof of his own existence because of the ‘I’ or ego that conceives it (R. Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy) This is all the more reinforced when Descartes came up with the â€Å"wax argument† in substantiating his proof on the existence of the self. To Descartes, the program of radical doubt must be established on a solitary endeavor or more appropriately, a deliberate isolation which forms the nature of his philosophical work having been freed of social or emotional disturbances enabling him to inquire â€Å"What shall I say of the mind itself, that is, of myself? For as yet I do not admit that I am anything but mind. What, then! I who seem to possess so distinct an apprehension of the ‘piece of wax’, do I not know myself, both with greater truth and certitude, and also much more distinctly and clearly? For if I judge that the wax exists because I see it, it assuredly follows, much more evidently, that I myself am or exist, for the same reason: for it is possible that what I see may not in truth be wax, and that I do not even possess eyes with which to see anything; but it cannot be that when I see, or, which comes to the same thing, when I think I see, I myself who think am nothing (Descartes, Meditation II).â⠂¬  Basically, Descartes proposed the â€Å"wax argument† in two stages being – â€Å"(1) the argument from change; and (2) the argument from intellection then personified the â€Å"wax† in an entity called ‘Bob’ who sits on the mantle as time ‘t’ passes (Graziano, 2011)†. It is claimed that at an instant, Bob is found with initial properties such as those which the senses are susceptible to experience in terms, for instance, of temperature change, phase shift, or shape transformation. â€Å"At time ‘t’, Bob can assume the shape of an orb while being cold and solid at the same time while at some time after ‘t’ he may

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relationship Between Zinc and Heart Disease

Relationship Between Zinc and Heart Disease Otoniel Santiago Shanil Juma, PhD Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one common cause of morbidity and death in all ethnicities. There are many contributing factors associated to this disease, which include: atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity and obesity1-3. Despite the many studies performed in these areas, nutrition and nutritional status play a major role in the decrease of CVD. One area that has been look at for almost a decade is the relationship of micronutrients in preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease. Although there are still many controversies in the areas of diet and obesity, the role of micronutrients especially zinc, have been closely studied to identify if its levels have any effect in reducing or potentially inducing cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this report will be to briefly discuss how zinc levels may play a role in promoting cardiovascular disease or preventing it. Zinc Functions Zinc is known as one of the essential trace elements vital for maintaining normal physiology and cellular functions in the body.1 It was during the 1960’s that zinc deficiency was discovered after it was found that dwarfism and delayed sexual maturation were related to zinc. This discovery lead to an increase in clinical studies in order to understand the critical role of zinc in human physiological growth and its relation to other conditions such as, dermatitis, impaired taste, and impaired immunity to name a few.1 Nonetheless, the role of zinc is not completely understood. This trace element has only been known for the past 50 years, but it has been clearly documented that it can improve an array of conditions like acute diarrhea in children, the common cold, and reduction of oxidative stress, the making of genetic material and wound healing. In all, zinc plays a major role in protein synthesis, thus, making it one of the most essential micronutrient needed for optimal healt h in the human body. Zinc and Heart Disease Zinc has been known for its many protective capacities and functions. However, low zinc levels have been associated with age, disease and lack of nutritional intake. It has been found that zinc deficiency increases the inflammatory response caused by increased vascular oxidative stress.2 For instance, in patients with type 2 diabetes suffering from cardiovascular disease, it was found that zinc serum levels were low3. Despite the fact that low serum zinc levels were found to be an independent factor for heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes, non-diabetic patients who suffered from CVD was related to lower consumption of zinc.3 Zinc deficiency can also be associated to malabsorption caused by gastric conditions such as Chron’s disease and celiac sprue, or conditions like diabetes which increase zinc loss due excessive urinary output4. A study conducted by Frustaci et al, looked at selenium and zinc deficiency to identify if cardiac malfunction could occur with individuals who suffer from intestinal malabsorption. The study found that there was a great association of between the deficiency of selenium and zinc and the degeneration of cardiomyocytes5. Although this study looked into two micronutrients, it is important to point out that zinc played a major role in this study. As mentioned previously, zinc is an essential trace element that works in nearly over 300 enzymes exerting catalytic, structural, and regulatory functions4, 5. In addition to these functions, a deficiency of zinc can cause cell apoptosis and necrosis due to its role in growth and development. On the other hand, selenium has been associated with the Keshan disease that causes progressive dilated cardiomyopathy5. Both elements serve as antioxidants detoxifying cardiomyocytes from free radicals and a deficiency of any of these two elements can cause a decline a cardiac function5. Patients in this study were treated with a selenium/zinc infusion of 13.6 mg/d/wk for about six months. The group was divided into two groups consisting of one group of (A2, n=8) and another (A1, n= 10).5 All patients in group A1 received cardiac catherization, and an endomyocardial biopsy, while the A2 group were only treated with anti-heart failure therapy. Nonetheless, after the six months was completed group A1 showed an improvement in their left ventricle dimension when compared to the A2 group who only received supportive therapy5. The study determined that a selenium and zinc cardiomyopathy can occur in patients with intestinal malabsorption and that an infusion of both elements can improve a nd possibly prevent the malabsorption associated cardiomyopathy5. In another study conducted by Soinio et al, after a seven year period follow up on both non-diabetic patients and type 2 diabetic patients, it was found that there was an increase in mortality from CVD in patients with lower serum levels of zinc (≠¤14.1 µmol/l) then those who did not (14.1>  µmol/l)3. Most patients on this study were between the ages of 45-64 and the population consisted of 1,050 patients from West and East Finland where 526 were men and 470 were women. Each participant was examined for zinc serum levels after a 12hr fast. Zinc serum levels were determined through atomic absorption spectrotometry after 10 years from stored samples. Out of the 1,050 participants 156 died of coronary heart disease and 254 patients suffered a myocardial infarction. The rest of the surviving participants were divided in groups of non-insulin treated and insulin treated subjects. Those with insulin treatment had a 15.3  µmol/l of fasting serum zinc levels when compared to the non-insulin treatment that had 15.8  µmol/l fasting serum zinc levels. However, after breaking the result into quartiles the results were that low serum levels were an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease for coronary heart disease and fatal/non-fatal myocardial infarctions in patients with type 2 diabetes3. Nonetheless, most of the lower serum zinc levels found in diabetics was related to urinary zinc excretion when compared to non-diabetics. It is important to point out that zinc play critical role in the synthesis and function of insulin and the inhibition of pathways that can lead to apoptosis and possibly the upregulation caspase genes3. In this study zinc was added to in vitro insulin preparations to extend the time of insulin action. Despite insulin being added to the treatment of 149 of the participants with type 2 diabetes, serum zinc levels had no considerable changes between the two groups. Thus, there is a possibility that zinc supplementation may be useful to prevent atherosclerotic complications in type 2 diabetes individuals3. Another study showed that coronary artery disease was more prevalent among individuals with diabetes4. In the same study patients with coronary artery disease had higher urinary excretion of zinc when compared to those without coronary artery disease. In addition there was no association with the zinc levels and diseased arteries, but there was an increase in urinary zinc loss and the number of diseases arteries4. In relation to diabetes mellitus similar to the study performed by Soinio et al, patients with diabetes excreted greater amounts of zinc when compared to normoglycemic individuals4. Regardless of the zinc loss linked to diabetes mellitus and polyuria, zinc concentration was not associated with the onset of coronary arterial disease. The loss of zinc, on the other hand, correlated to the severity of the coronary artery disease. Consequently, the loss of zinc causes a shift of zinc from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid to maintain homeostasis. Thus, affectin g zinc dependent enzymes such as the activating nuclear factor Ä ¸B and the reduction of nitric oxide bioavailability and the macrophage-mediated oxidative modification of LDL cholesterol along with the inflammatory cascades associated with it that ultimately promote atherogenesis4. On the other hand, zinc only accounts for about 0.1% of total body pool and zinc plasma concentrations are an insensitive marker for whole body reserves. Thus, the use of the urine zinc/24hour ratio is a better marker to reflect the risk of coronary artery disease. This was compared to other studies that identified that children from parents with coronary artery disease had higher zinc urinary levels. Suggesting that genetically predisposed children with coronary artery disease have in a long term, ongoing zinc losses taking place before the manifestations of clinical symptoms4. Yet, the question still remains whether supplementation of zinc in individuals with low zinc serum levels could prove to be beneficial to prevent or eliminate cardio arterial disease. In relation to children Sadoh looked if there was any relationship in loss of serum zinc levels with congenital heart diseases and pneumonia. Sadoh looked at 41 Nigerian children with confirmed congenital heart disease and 41 without congenital heart disease. Because congenital heart diseases with left or right shunt are associated with pulmonary over-circulation, which leads to congestive heart failure, the loss of serum zinc levels seem to be increased with pneumonia6. In addition, it has been shown that patients with heart failure who are also receiving diuretic therapy are prone to develop zincuria. The medications associated with zincuria are thiadize and angiostenin converting enzyme inhibitors. In poor countries like Nigeria, children are forced to live with chronic heart failure and the bronchopneumonia, which as mentioned previously can cause low zinc levels. Another possibility for these children to have low zinc serum levels can be related to poor food intake and absorption that arises from the malnutrition they are exposed to6. All participants were evaluated for congenital heart disease and any febrile conditions that would had altered results. In any case, patients would have had to resolve the febrile condition prior to the commencement of the study. Patients were seen every month for seven months were 3 ml of blood was collected from each person. Serum zinc levels were evaluated using the Dogan et al method and atomic absorption spectrophotometer6. The results showed that the mean zinc levels in children congenital heart disease was 101.3 ± 21.6  µg/dl when compared to the controlled who had 106.5  ± 18.3  µg/dl. In children less than one years of age, the mean serum zinc was the highest at 102.6  ± 30.7  µg/dl when compared to children ten years and older at the lowest levels 94.8  ± 12.4  µg/dl. Sadoh also compared children with bronchopneumonia whose zinc levels were lower 89.5  ± 15.0  µg/dl indicating an increase loss of zinc due to the disease. When compared to children without bronchopneumonia, the zinc levels were at 103.9  ± 22.2  µg/dl6. This study showed that congenital heart failure along with complications such as bronchopneumonia increases the chances of low zinc serum levels. Zinc plays a major role as an acute phase reactant in bronchopneumonia thus, causing its depletion in children with both of these conditions. Whether the patients with severe pneumonia usually have low zinc serum levels, the combination of both pneumonia and congenital heart disease make patients more susceptible to low zinc levels. The same is applied to patients with chronic congenital heart disease, although their levels seem to be lower due to the use of diuretics as a treatment. In all cyanotic congenital heart disease patients had higher levels of zinc when compared to those with acyanotic congenital heart disease6. In this study no zinc supplementation was used, but it can be safe to say that a supplementation could have resulted in improvement of both conditions as seen in the previous studies. Conclusion Zinc appears to have protective effects in coronary artery disease and cardiomyopathy in individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes and children with congenital hearts diseases. Intracellular zinc plays a critical role in the oxidative stress reduction protecting from the inflammatory response caused atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases. Zinc supplementation has been shown to improve cardiac function and prevent further damage. Thus, its investigation, although emerging in the cardiovascular disease research, its mechanism needs to be better understood in order for it to be used as a preventative and treatment of cardiovascular disease. References Little PJ, Bhattacharya R, Moreyra AE, Korichneva IL. Zinc and Cardiovascular Disease.Nutrition26.11/12 (2010): 1050-057. Abdel-Khalek Abdel-Salam N, Wessam Aly W, Ahmed Hamza S, Mosfata Fahmy H, Kamel Mortagy A. Relation between zinc level and one year mortality among elderly patients with heart failure.Egyptian J H Med. 2014;54:11-14. Soinio M, Marniemi J, Laakso M, Pyà ¶rà ¤là ¤ M, Lehto S, Rà ¶nnemaa T. Serum zinc level and coronary heart disease events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 30:523-528, 2007. Giannoglou G, Konstantinou D, Kovatsi L, Chatzizisis Y, Mikhailidis D. Association of Reduced Zinc Status With Angiographically Severe Coronary Atherosclerosis: A Pilot Study.Angiology. July 2010;61(5):449-455. Frustaci A, Sabbioni E, Fortaner S, Farina S, del Torchio R, Tafani M, Morgante E, Ciriolo MR, Russo MA, Chimenti C. Selenium- and zinc-deficient cardiomyopathy in human intestinal malabsorption: preliminary results of selenium/zinc infusion. European Journal Of Heart Failure. February 2012; 14(2):202-210. Sadoh WE, Sadoh AE. Serum zinc values in children with congenital heart disease. African Health Sciences. September 2013; 13(3):601-606.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Radio Waves :: essays research papers

Radio Waves In the modern society, radio is the most widely used medium of broadcasting and electronic communication : it plays a major role in many areas such as public safety, industrial manufacturing, processing, agriculture, transportation, entertainment, national defense, space travel, overseas communication, news reporting and weather forecasting. In radio broadcasts, they use the radio waves which can be both microwaves and longer radio waves. These are transmitted in two ways: amplitude modulation (AM ) and frequency modulation ( FM ). These two kinds of wave have many differences. Radio waves are among the many types of electromagnetic waves that travel within the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves can be defined by their frequency (in hertz, after Heinich Hertz , who first produced radio waves electronically), which is number of times they pass through a complete cycle per second; or by their wavelength, which is determined by the distance (by meters) that is traveled from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next. Radio frequencies are measured in units called kilohertz, megahertz, and gigahertz. (1 kilohertz = 1000 hertz : 1 megahertz = 106 hertz, 1 gigahertz = 109 hertz). All radio waves fall within a frequency range of 3 kilohertz, or 3000 cycles per second to 30 gigahertz. Within the range of frequencies, radio waves are further divided into two groups or bands such as very low frequency ( VLF 10-30 kHz ), low frequency (LF 30-300 KHz), medium frequency ( MF 300-3000 KHz), high frequency ( HF 3-30 MHZ) and very high frequency ( VHF 30-300MHZ). Amplitude modulation is the oldest method of transmitting voice and music through the airwaves is by amplitude modulation. This is accomplished by combining a sound wave from a microphone, tape, record, or CD with a "carrier" radio wave. The result : a wave that transmits voice or programming as its amplitude ( intensity ) increases and decreases. Amplitude modulation is used by station broadcasting in the AM band and by most international short wave stations. Frequency modulation is another way to convey information, voice , and music on a radio wave is to slightly change, or modulate, the frequency. The main advantage of FM broadcasting is of it is static free. But the drawback to FM is since the frequency is varied, station takes up more room on the band. Frequency modulation is, of course, used on the FM band. And it is used for "action band" and ham transmission in the VHF/UHF frequency range. In amplitude modulation, what is modified is the amplitude of a carrier wave on one specific frequency.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pro Con Gay Marriage

Pros of gay marriage: Two People who love eachother should be able to publicly celebrate their commitment Equality is protected in the due process clause in the constitution ( Constitutional Right) Same sex marriage helps adoption 100,000 children in the united states are waiting to be adopted!Refusing people the right to marry causes psychological damages ( this effects society in a negative way) Access to hospitals and care ( Marriage benefits healthcare coverage) Marriage has been changing over the years ( interracial marriage) there is no one definition for Marriage Massachussets was the first state to legalize gay marriage and they have the lowest divorce rate ( highest divorce rates occur in the states that have the more strict â€Å"gay† laws If marriages sole purpose is to procreate than why are infertile couples granted the right to still marry It doesn't hurt society or anyone in particular.The only thing that should matter in marriage is love Denying them is a viola tion of religious freedom (civil and religious marriages are two separate institutions). Born gay argument : â€Å"Although all people in all societies with rare exceptions are socialized to be heterosexual, the predictable, universal appearance of homosexual persons, despite socialization into heterosexual patterns of behavior suggest not only that homosexual orientation is biologically based but that sexual orientation itself is also biologically derived. Experiences argument: â€Å"While there are different theories about how the sexual orientation develops, experts in the human sexuality field do not believe that premature sexual experiences play a significant role in late adolescent or adult sexual orientation. † Mental disorders DEBUNKED!!! â€Å"Psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, mental disorder or an emotional problem. Over 35 years of objective, well-designed scientific research has shown t hat homosexuality, in and [of] itself, is not associated with mental disorders or emotional or social problems.When researchers examined data about these people who were not in therapy, the idea that homosexuality was a mental illness was quickly found to be untrue Con’s of gay marriage: The institution of marriage has been defined as the union between a man and a woman ( Supreme court decision (oct 15 1971 baker v nelson) – definition has some connection with the book of genesis It may cause a slippery slope effect where people who are into beastiality and other â€Å"taboo† relationships could seek the right to marry if gay is allowed.People who are against gay marriage should not have to support something with tax dollars they find wrong such as health benefits for gay couples ( extending to gay couples would result in 596 million dollars being spent plus an additional 302 million) Children being raised in a same sex home would not be provided an optimum envi ronment because they need mother and father rearing ( studies link to earlier sexual activity also a report was done the American psychological review?Children raised with gay parents were more likely to become gay themselves) Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples because homosexual relationships have nothing to do with procreation. Allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification. Marriage is a religious right According to a July 31, 2003 statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and approved by Pope John Paul II, marriage â€Å"was established by the Creator with its own nature, essential properties and purpose.No ideology can erase from the human spirit the certainty that  marriage solely exists between a man and a woman. Most religions consider homosexuality a sin. It would further weaken the traditional family values essential to our society. It confuses childre n about gender roles and expectations of society, and only a man & woman can pro-create The gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, as a lot of research shows it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems BORN GAY: NO!! What is clear, however, is that the scientific attempts to demonstrate that omosexual attraction is biologically determined have failed. The major researchers now prominent in the scientific arena-themselves gay activists-have in fact arrived at such conclusions. There is no support in the scientific research for the conclusion that homosexuality is biologically determined. † Concerns for parenting and childhood : A good relationship with the same-sex parent meets a child's psychological needs for love, worth and affirmation as a boy or a girl. Where there is a lack of affirmation or even rejection, these legitimate needs are not met.If a girl's femininity is unaffirmed, she may come to believe that she is unacce ptable to her mother and therefore to women in general. In an attempt to fill the hole in her heart, she may look to other women for acceptance, perhaps even hoping (at a subconscious level) to gain femininity by association. Puberty later eroticizes these emotional needs, adding a sexual dimension. † http://gaymarriage. procon. org/ http://www. balancedpolitics. org/same_sex_marriages. htm http://borngay. procon. org/view. resource. php? resourceID=000005